This project started as a renovation where client wished to upgrade their existing post war inner city dwelling to add extra rooms at the back and upstairs as well as build a larger garage under.
After an extensive measure up and a detailed sketch design was presented, the feasability conducted by the client reveald that it it was not as cost effective as envisaged to mantain the the existing dwelling.
Six months later the client commissioned us to design a brand new house on the site that incorporated all features they wished for without the compromises set by the old house. A 3 level modern open plan design was achieved and at the same time mantaining the character values and scale of street prescribed by local council.
The new design features the living areas on the top floor which takes advantage of the views and enable on ground access at the rear that creates a connection to the bbq patio and the pool.
The house is entered on a mid level landing of the a three teared open stair space that links all the floor levels. The four bedroom home has high ceing throughout and raked ceiling in the living area giving extra volume and ambience.
Windows and openings are placed to capture breazes and key vistas of the site.
The interior was completely carried out by Ingrid Straser and the client was project manager.